
The 11th Haslingfield Scarecrow Festival 2024 is coming soon. The scarecrows are being built and everyone is getting ready for some scarecrow fun!. The theme this year is


Get out your old clothes and a few pieces of wood and get making your scarecrow. Have a look at the scarecrow making pages to see how to do it. It really is not very difficult.

Or if you would like to do anything else during the festival, get in touch with the organisers and we can publicise your stall, event or entertainment. You can even raise money for your favourite charity. You may be allowed to use a part of publicly owned land if you ask us.

We are hoping that the volunteer car scheme will be offering a drive round the village to see the scarecrows, for those who find it a bit difficult to walk round.

Here are the results of the vote from the previous festival. See who won and who came close

See the photo gallery of the scarecrows from 2022

As things are arranged you will be see the full list on the Whats On page . Get in touch if you want anything adding to this.